I know. I know. Who doesn't? Right? Well this is an EXTRA special case. Now almost everyone I know knows just how much I adore Mo.
- I call story time dibs each time a new Pigeon book is published.
- I have perfected the Pigeon temper tantrum.
- I joined AWLMO… a fan club for Adults Who Love MO.
- I made my own Pigeon tshirt.
- I even got Aiden his 1st Pigeon book BEFORE he was born.
- Even Esmé has a Pigeon book or two. (Dogs like Pigeons, too.)
Need I go on? Or do you get just how much I adore Mo? Anyway… back on topic… MO WILLEMS ADORES ME!!!
This year, Mo and his BFF Jon Scieszka MCed the Sixth Annual Book Cart Drill Team World Championships at ALA 2010 in DC. I begged…. I pleaded…. I even tried bribing my boss to let me attend, but alas she refused. **humph** I even tried throwing my very bestest Pigeon fit, but Sarah was NOT amused. **grumble, grumble, grumble**
What to do? What to do…? Start a Facebook campaign. Aside from being Esmé's godmother, Cindy D., is also the director of a college library… and at the conference. Hmmm….
(Exact quotes from FB)
CHRISS: Are you going to meet Pigeon's most wonderful creator tomorrow??? **sigh** He and Scieszka will be at the Book Cart Drill Team competition. **double sigh**
CINDY: Probably not. They were both in the hall today but the lines were crazy long!
CHRISS: **sigh** I need the Pigeon's autograph. **goes off to bribe Angela to get it** BTW, Esme sends puppy kisses.
**went off to harass Angela**
CHRISS: (Angela) I need Pigeon's autograph. He's in DC Sunday.... Pretty please?!?!? I'll never ask for anything ever again. Pinky Swear!!!... FINE! **throws self down** WAHHHHHH!!!!
BRANDY: I saw Jon at his book signing at the S&S booth. I wish I could have gotten a pic without looking like a creep-o.
CHRISS: Rub it in Brandy, rub it in. **grin** Now, if you see his BFF Mo, I expect you to look like a creep to get me that pic.... I'm on a mission.
ANGELA: Wish I could...would be the best gift ever !!!!
CHRISS: LOL, first Brandy not taking creepy pics of Jon, and now you, too! **sigh** =0)
Then a few hours later….
BRANDY: Chriss, ask and ye shall receive. Check out my photo album called "Caldecott Magicness."
Now, I'm sure all of you are wondering exactly how Brandy made me squeal with joy and do a little jig….
Shortly after Brandy's first message, she left for the Caldecott/Newberry awards banquet... and seated at her table… Mo's agent Shelly. (Anyone think Karma must like me???)
As Brandy didn't record the whole conversation, I must paraphrase… and try to fill in the gaps.
BRANDY: Like, OMG. I was just torturing Chriss about Mo just a few hours ago!
MO'S AGENT: Chriss?
BRANDY: Chriss ADORES Mo. She won't let anyone else do Pigeon for story times. She designs her own Pigeon tees. She….
MO'S AGENT: (interrupting) WAIT! You mean the SAME Chriss who founded AWLMO?
BRANDY: Yes! She's even researched grants to get the Pigeon Party theatre performance to come to town.
MO'S AGENT: Like… OH… MY… GOD!!! Mo's gonna FLIP. He ADORES Chriss! Where is she??? They've got to meet!
BRANDY: **deep sigh** Alas, Sarah, Chriss's boss, refused to allow her to come to ALA 2010. **brightens** BUT it'll be so much fun to torture her with this story. **claps cheerfully**
**Enter Mo.**
MO'S AGENT: MO! Brandy works with THE CHRISS!!!
MO: Like OMG! The same Chriss who founded AWLMO?!?! Where is she? I ADORE her. We must meet.
MO'S AGENT: **grumbles about "someone named Sarah"**
MO: **steals Brandy's camera and shoves it at passing Jon Scieszka** JON! Brandy knows CHRISS!!! Take a picture of me for her so she will know how much I adore her.
BRANDY: **sigh** That Chriss has all the luck.
And that my friends is how I got a photo of Mo Willems taken just for me.
Other fun Chriss/Mo links...